– Charity the bond of perfection -

From Padre Pio writtings:

I give heartfelt thanks to the heavenly Father, through our Lord, Jesus Christ, for the constantly new graces with which He continues to enrich your soul … May God’s reign come soon; may this most holy Father sanctify his Church; may he abundantly shower his mercy on those souls who have not known him up to now. (Letter III, p. 63)

From Padre Pio writtings:

May this most tender Father, enlighten the intelligence and touch the hearta of all men, so that the fervent may not become cooler or slow down in the ways of salvation, that the lukewarmmmay become more fervent and those who have moved far from him may return. May he also dissipate and confuse all the wise of this world, so that they do not wage war and inhibit the propagation of His Reign. (Letters III, p.63s)

From Padre Pio writtings:

Finally, may this most holy Father banish from the Church all the dissension that exists, and impedes the birth of other members, so that there will be only one sheepfold and only one Shepherd. May He multiply a hundredfold the number of chosen souls; send us many saints and learned ministers and sanctify those we already possess. May Ha, through them, make fervour retur to all Christian souls. May the number of Catholis missionaries increase, as we once again have reason to complain to the divine Master: “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few” (Mt 9:37). (Letters III, p.64)

From Padre Pio writtings:

We should show great love for one another, remembering that we have all been called to form a single body and that if we keep our love for one another, the beautiful peace of Jesus will invariably triumph joyfully in our hearts. (Letters II, p.249)

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