The village festival causes relief and joy,but little Francesco’s heart is lacerated by the scene of a monstrous little boy and his desperate mother.The miracle, propitiated by his deeply felt prayer, becomes for him an anxiety because the crowd on impulse throngs round him.

At the village festival

Pellegrino, great Saint,

is celebrated in Irpinia.

With ardor people go

to sing the holy praises

and to implore new graces.

The prayer, from a pure heart,

rises faster to Heaven,

flows confidently

and God likes it so much

that he doesn’t dare say no.

A mother cries and implores:

“ My little boy is almost a monster.

Virgin Mary, grant me a grace.

I leave him at your foot:

heal him, you can “.

Francesco, still a little boy,

is at the festival with his dad.

He’s touched by the scene

of the monstrous little child.

He gets closer and prays for him.

Some seconds later

the little child is already recovered.

But Francesco is submerged.

His father pulls him saying:

“ It serves you right, you always look for troubles! ”

Translated by Marilisa Cannarsa

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