Children will go into the kingdom of Heaven. Children are Jesus’s favourite. This play is a divine strategy.

Pietrelcina 14/10  1912; Ep.I,p.308

“… I see … the Paradise in front of me; gladdened by this vision I sleep in a smile of sweet bliss on my lips and with a perfect calm on my forehead,waiting that my childhood little companion will wake me up so that we can give together he morning praises to pleasure of our hearts ”.

The Play

My Jesus, how wonderful to see you again!

I wake up at the sunrise every morning

And wait breathless.

Then  a painful worry nags me

So that I can’t eat anymore.

If I were unjust with you unintentionally

Wouldn’t you come to play with me anymore?

“ I play with you willingly

because I like you so much.

The other answer is a secret ”.

I’m so young like you and understand

that your dad can sometimes say no.

I’d be very sorry,but please,

don’t get a permission lying.

“ It’s quite useless: he already knows everything ”.

He’s very clever,good and dear.

If your dad is absent,

you must ask your mum.

“ But what are you saying ? She anticipates me:

your Francis is waiting, go, Jesus ”.

My parents are so good

but yours are a real Paradise.

“ Oh! I’d do everything to give everybody

your parents as dad and mum!

“ Yes, so I’d love to ”.

Translated by Marilisa Cannarsa

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