This reality must let the believers from Pietrelcina meditate; just because of a fellow. Citizen giant in the faith, they feel rightly proud,but at the same time obliged to a strong Christian Witness.

Supreme Will

O loved Pietrelcina,

your ancient temple

is a sacred guard.

The rock where it’s founded

is Christ’s creed.

It re-creates your atmosphere.

The generous sun

hardens you to true things.

In the future more and more

people will talk about you.

Progeny of samnites,

don’t change your heart

either because of changing times

or minds.

Be firm in God.

The world already considers  you

guardians of peace.

You were privileged

by that supreme Will

that leads the universe.

Think highly

of St. Anne and the sacre source.

The source that washed

the great Father Pio

may wash your children too.

Translated by Cannarsa Marilisa

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