ministro del signore – Minister of the Lord -

From Padre Pio writings:

This is just a pallid idea of what Jesus is doing within me. Just as a torrent carries down to the depths of the sea everything it encounters on its way, so also my soul, immersed in the boundless ocean of Jesus’ love, by no merit of my own and without my being able to explain it, carries all its treasures along with it. But, my dear Father, as I write where do my thoughts fly? To the great day of my ordination… I have already begun to experience again the happiness of that day which is so sacred for me. Already this morning I began to have a taste of paradise… And what will it be when we taste it for all eternity? When I compare the peace of heart I experienced on that day with the peace of heart I have begun to feel since the eve of this feast, I find no difference… How happy I was and how I rejoiced on that day! ( Letters I,335,336)

From Padre Pio writings:

Accompany me continually, then, by your prayers that the divine Shepherd may give me what is lacking to me. Ask  Him to give me the holiness of  life that I lack. Oh, if only I could say at least once with the apostle of the nations, raising my voice to tell everybody: ” Be imitators of me as I am of Christ”. But alas, everything is lacking to me and I expect all things from your insistent prayers and those of others to the Heart of God. ( Letters II,558)

From Padre Pio writings:

Every minister of the Lord ough to work continually for the good of souls. He ought never admit weariness and never say: ” I have worked too hard for the souls of others”. This is image of the genuine Catholic priest. Can I say that I am like this without fear of lying? Alas, I know myself only too well. I occupy a place in the Lord’s house which is of no benefit to others and may God forbid that I should even be the ruin of other souls. It is true that in my own little way I do my best for the good of those souls whom the Lord enables me to meet, but I am convinced that I am of  little or no use to them. May the Lord assist me in the fulfilment of my duty. (Letters II,558)

Letters I, II, second and third edition, years 1984 and 2002, edited by Melchiorre of Pobladura and Alessandro of Ripabottoni.

English version edited by Father Gerardo Di Flumeri O.F.M. Cap.

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