dio20e20amore2010x15 – Love for ” The Love “-

From Padre Pio writings:

I am consumed by love for God and love for my neighbour. God is continually fixed in my mind and imprinted on my heart. I never lose sight of him. I have to admire his beauty, his benevolence, the agitation he causes, his mercies, his vengeance, or rather the severity of his justice. ( Ep. I,1393)

From Padre Pio writings:

When Mass was over I remained with Jesus in thanksgiving: Oh, how sweet was the colloquy with paradise that morning! It was such that, although I want to tell you all about it, I cannot. There were things which cannot be translated into human language without losing their deep and heavenly meaning. The heart of Jesus and my own – allow me to use the expression – were fused. No longer were two hearts beating but only one. My own heart had disappeared, as a drop of water is lost in the ocean. Jesus was its paradise, its king. My joy was so intense and deep that I could bear no more and tears of happiness poured down my cheeks. ( Ep. I, 308)

From Padre Pio writings:

Don’t worry about eseless promises of tranquillity, enjoyment or merits, but present your hearts to your divine Spouse, totally emptying them of all other affections, except his chaste love … and you will see that God will help you, and that you will do a great deal, both in choosing and carrying matters to a conclusion. ( Ep. III,572/573)

From Padre Pio writings:

Always keep ( the soul ) situated in the presence of God, while you go about your exterior practices … When you pray, if ( your soul ) wants to fly, let it fly and do not prevent it from doing so. If  it wants to move, let il move even though its present tranquillity and simple rest in seeing God, in flying to him and tasting him, is excellent … Practise this truth and virtue a great deal in your heart. Practise interior and exterior sweetness a great deal, in your heart, and keep it tranquil amidst your multiple affections.  (Ep.III,759/760)

Letters I and III, 2nd Edition, year 1984 and 2001, Edited by Melchiorre da Pobladura and Alessandro da Ripabottoni.

English version, Edited by Father Gerardo Di Flumeri, O.F.M.Cap.

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