The Lord is my everything – 23/06/’10

il signore è il mio tutto- The Lord is my everything -

From Padre Pio writtings:

Listen to our Lord who says to the Patriarch Abraham, and to you also: Do not fear, ” I am your protector” (Gen 15:1). What do you seek on earth except God? Well, my daughter, know that you possess him. Be comforted by the thought that he is at the centre of your heart and that you are extremely pleasing to his divine Heart, and that he observes your great struggle with the enemy with pleasure. Be firm in your resolutions; stay in the boat in which our Lord has placed you and let the storm come. You will not perish. It appears to you that Jesus is sleeping, but let it be so. Don’t you know that if he sleeps, his heart vigilantly watches over you? Let him sleep, but at the right time, he will awaken to resore your calm. (Letters III,935/936) Leggi tutto »

The love of Jesus – 27/06/’06

l'amore di gesù – The love of Jesus -

From Padre Pio writings:

Do not fear, my good daughter, it is Jesus who is acting within you. Humble yourself  beneath God’s powerful hand, pray to him, thank him and let Jesus treat you as he pleases … The darkness in your soul is light, in fact it is the very Sun of justice that is shining in your soul.        ( Letters III,223) Leggi tutto »

The power of the holy Spirit and Mary – 22/05/’07

Maria e la trinità – The power of the holy Spirit and Mary-

From Padre Pio writings:

What a joy it is to serve Jesus in the desert without manna, water, or any other consolation, except that of being led by him and suffering for him! May the most holy Virgin be born in our hearts, to bring us her blessings. ( Letters III,487) Leggi tutto »

Marian -05/05/’09

maria_gesu – Marian -

From Padre Pio writings:

Here we are at last in the month of beautiful Mother once again … This dear Mother continues to lavish her maternal care upon me, especially during the present month. She takes care of me to an exceeding degree …                                                                                                          What have I done to deserve such delicacy ?  ( Letters I, 401/402)

Jesus Eucharist – 12/01/’10

eucarestia – Jesus Eucharist -

From Padre Pio writings:

When Mass was over I remained with Jesus in thanksgiving. Oh, how sweet was the colloquy with paradise this morning! It was such that, although I want to tell you all about it, I cannot. There were things which cannot be translated into human language without losing their deep and heavenly meaning. The heart of Jesus and my own – allow me to use the expression – were fused. No longer were two hearts beating but only one. My own heart had disappeared, as a drop of water is lost in the ocean. Jesus was its paradise, its king. My joy was so intense and deep that I could bear no nore and tears of happiness poured down my cheeks … Praise be to the divine Prisoner! ( Letters I, 308) Leggi tutto »

Minister of the Lord – 14/07/’09

ministro del signore – Minister of the Lord -

From Padre Pio writings:

This is just a pallid idea of what Jesus is doing within me. Just as a torrent carries down to the depths of the sea everything it encounters on its way, so also my soul, immersed in the boundless ocean of Jesus’ love, by no merit of my own and without my being able to explain it, carries all its treasures along with it. But, my dear Father, as I write where do my thoughts fly? To the great day of my ordination… I have already begun to experience again the happiness of that day which is so sacred for me. Already this morning I began to have a taste of paradise… And what will it be when we taste it for all eternity? When I compare the peace of heart I experienced on that day with the peace of heart I have begun to feel since the eve of this feast, I find no difference… How happy I was and how I rejoiced on that day! ( Letters I,335,336) Leggi tutto »

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