Bread of the chosen

My Lord,You created energy,You ordered the creation,You lead the universe. You put the man on the earth like a flower in a flowerbed. In any love action,You make a life blossom. But divine life is Eucharist,where Jesus gives himself to us.

Bread of the chosen

My Lord, you created,

the powerful energy

that gives perpetual motion

to the immense universe.

Wonder always new. Leggi tutto »

Padre Pio

In the charity grew la Casa del Sollievo, in the faith the “ prayer groups ”. His name resounds all over the world.  As Francesco gave glory to Assisi, Padre Pio gives fame to San Giovanni Rotondo.


This name resounds all over the world.

It’s invoked with a very sweet fervour.

It’s  already sang with a deep joy

by the one who chooses you as his own mediator.

Your life is the pride of the faith. Leggi tutto »

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